
Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF, also known as "Xihe laser facility") project is belong to Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the co construction unit is ShanghaiTech University. Supported by the national development and Reform Commission and Shanghai Municipality, the project has been included in the first batch of major projects in Shanghai to build a science and innovation center with global influence and a world-class major science and technology infrastructure cluster. It is also one of the core platforms of Zhangjiang comprehensive national science center.

Xihe laser facility was approved on January 4, 2016;started on November 20, 2016 and passed the acceptance on December 28, 2020. The world's first 10 peta watt (PW) ultra strong and ultra short laser experimental device has been successfully developed, setting an international record of the highest laser peak power. The device mainly includes a 10PW ultra strong and ultra short laser system and a 1PW output beam line with high repetition rate,and Three user experimental terminals, including the research platform of Dynamic of Materials under Extreme Conditions (DMEC, the research platform of Ultrafast Sub-atomic Physics (USAP), and the research platform of big Molecule Dynamics and Extreme-fast Chemistry (MODEC); Scientific research auxiliary facilities and data center. At present, it has been fully opened to universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises at home and abroad to provide advanced means of material science and life science research.