Scinece Highlights
  • Chinadaily: Shanghai team in Laser breakthrough

    Chinese scientists have successfully taken a novel approach to obtain free-electron lasing (FEL) and such an approach may realize the production and popularization of low-cost, table-top FEL devices that may bring breakthrough in multiple disciplines.

  • Scientists demonstrate laser direct mapping of attosecond electron dynamics

    Research group from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have observed periodic electron bunch fringes induced by the femtosecond laser field. Scientists demonstrated for the first time direct metrology of attosecond electron dynamics with unprecedented temporal re...

  • Scientists demonstrate the high-harmonic generation from topological surface states

    Research groups of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Nanjing University have observed the strong field-driven phenomenon from topological nontrivial states. They demonstrate for the first time the high-harmonic generation from topological surface states. This work was ...

  • Scientists generate energetic hollow proton beams by highest-intensity vortex tweezer

    In a recent study, Prof.WANG Wenpeng and his cooperators at Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, had produced the highest-intensity vortex laser in the world and realized the hollow proton beam acceleration in experiments. This research was published in Physical Review Letters.


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