SULF-1PW beamline and platforms

Date:Dec 21, 2023   |  【 A  A  A 】

The 1PW beamline mainly provides high-contrast PW-level driving laser for the research platform of big molecule dynamics and extreme-fast chemistry (MODEC). The 1PW beamline can generate femtosecond laser pulses with 800nm central wavelength at 0.1Hz repetition rate. The maximal focused peak intensity can reach 1020W/cm2. The contrast ratio at -100ps before the main pulse is better than 10-10. The temporal contrast on nanosecond time scale is better than a contrast level of 10-8. The research platform of MODEC can provide laser-driven electrons, protons and secondary radiations for scientific researches on strong-field physics, extreme-fast chemistry and high-resolution imaging.